
Master's Thesis References

Alongside my thesis, I took an independent study course in art history. We were expected to do in-depth research on an artist of our choice using books such as exhibition catalogues. The goal was to find inspiration or influence for our own creative practice. I chose Felix Gonzalez-Torres and these were my references:

Cullen, Deborah, “Jean-Michelle Basquiat’s Untitled and Felix Gonzalez-Torres “Untitled” (Perfect Lovers)” essay in Latin American & Caribbean Art : MoMA at El Museo by Basilio Gaztambide, Miriam Margarita, ed.. New York: El Museo del Barrio and the Museum of Modern Art, 2004.

Holzwarth, Hans Werner. 100 Contemporary Artists = 100 Zeitgenössische Künstler = 100 Artistes Contemporains. Köln [Germany] ; Taschen, 2012.

Katz, Jonathan D., and David C. Ward. Hide/seek: Difference and desire in American portraiture. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Books, 2010.

Maynard, Elizabeth, “THE BODY AND COMMUNITY IN FELIX GONZALEZ-TORRES’ CANDY SPILLS OR TOWARDS A POSITIVE METAPHOROF ILLNESS” essay in The Edges of Trauma. Edited by Tamás Bényei and Alexandra Stara. United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013.

Spector, Nancy. Guggenheim Museum Collection A to Z. 2nd rev. ed. New York: Guggenheim Museum Publications, 2001.

Spector, Nancy, “New York Stories” essay in New York, New York : Fifty Years of Art, Architecture, Cinema, Performance, Photography and Video. 1st ed. Edited by Germano Celant and Lisa Dennison. Milano: Skira, 2006.

Storr, Robert., Werner. Dannheisser, and Elaine. Dannheisser. On the Edge : Contemporary Art from the Werner and Elaine Dannheisser Collection. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1997.

The following are online sources I also looked at:

Chronology published in Felix Gonzalez-Torres. Los Angeles: A.R.T. Press, 1993. https://www.felixgonzalez-torresfoundation.org/attachment/en/5b844b306aa72cea5f8b4567/DownloadableItem/5ec3f65e49a62c16367e2a07

Chronology written by Julie Ault, published in Felix Gonzalez-Torres. Göttingen, GER: Steidl, 2006. https://www.felixgonzalez-torresfoundation.org/attachment/en/5b844b306aa72cea5f8b4567/DownloadableItem/5ebff7ff2bab2c1a7505f817

David Zwirner, “Felix Gonzalez-Torres Biography.” https://www.davidzwirner.com/artists/felix-gonzalez-torres

David Zwirner, “How one artist revolutionized portraiture | Felix Gonzalez-Torres | PROGRAM” YouTube video, Feb 24, 2023. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGCkObvpsoI&ab_channel=DavidZwirner

Guggenheim, "Felix Gonzalez-Torres.” https://www.guggenheim.org/artwork/artist/felix-gonzalez-torres

The Felix Gonzalez-Torres Foundation. https://www.felixgonzalez-torresfoundation.org